Explore the Pathways for More Info
Achievement Point Leadership Voyager Board Voyager Onboarding Voyager Service Voyager Exit Voyager *Undiscovered* Succession Voyager

Board Voyager

To soar to the stars, each “organizational starship” needs to be strong and robust, capable of carrying the organization to reach its destinations of mission and vision. In Board Voyager, feedback is collected from Board members and senior leadership to gauge the capability of the Board to:

  • Create an overall culture of success and achievement
  • Maintain individual and leadership accountability
  • Comply with applicable rules and regulations
  • Enable long-term sustainability

Leadership Voyager

Organizations need captains with the vision to chart a path forward and engage the crew to successfully run the ship. Leadership Voyager generates actionable guidance to leaders to chart their own personal path to higher levels of leadership, identifying key coordinates they should consider to maximize their individual success. This guidance consists of:

  • Identifying strengths leaders can maximize for their benefit
  • Uncovering hidden talents others see that leaders can capitalize on
  • Exposing blind spots that could be inhibiting performance
Begin your journey here

Onboarding Voyager

As new crew members join an organization, leaders need to quickly prepare them for success and engage them in their roles. It’s also important during this initial period that leaders evaluate new team members and eliminate any who don’t fit the culture or can’t perform as intended. Onboarding Voyager helps chart this initial journey for new hires, including:

  • Identifying critical learning related to their role
  • Pinpointing key relationships to be established that are critical to their success
  • Determining the tasks to independently perform at the end of the onboarding period
  • Setting the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that will be used to measure their success

Service Voyager

To have a well-functioning ship, it’s important that the crew works together effectively and focuses on service delivery. Service Voyager focuses on improving the customer service behaviors of work teams in the areas of teamwork, customer focus, conflict management, and issue resolution.

Exit Voyager

When it’s time for a crew member to leave, the transition should be handled well to respect the contributions the individual has made and to minimize disruption to the rest of the ship. These transitions can also serve as an opportunity to gather feedback that could lead to improvement of the culture and engagement of the crew.

Succession Voyager

Turnover amongst the crew is inevitable, and thus good captains chart out alternate plans to adapt and prepare for such transitions. Succession Voyager helps leaders identify positions critical to the flight path of the ship, evaluate the risk of vacancy in those positions, and helps create development plans based on evaluations of performance and capability to prepare talented crewmembers for these critical roles in advance.


Another step on the path of excellence to be defined in the future.

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How is the VOYAGER approach different?

As practitioners in the field of leadership development for over 40 years, the VOYAGER team has extensive experience working with multiple types of personality assessments, leadership competency frameworks, and coaching methodologies. These tools have been built through extensive research on fundamental principles of human behavior designed to help improve the capabilities of leaders in all types of organizations. Working with these tools, we’ve discovered specific strengths that enable sound leadership development, as well as specific weaknesses that must be carefully mitigated in order to be used successfully. We’ve also found that many of these tools yield far superior results working in tandem with one another, rather than being used in isolation.

Fundamental VOYAGER Principles:

Our VOYAGER Navigators

Photo of Chandra, arms crossed, smiling

Chandra Attiken

Chandra Attiken has over 25 years of HR experience helping businesses meet human capital challenges, including tenure in HR leadership positions at Manville Corporation, Time Warner, Nationwide, and Creative Memories. Chandra’s intuitive nature helps her align people based on their talents and aspirations with roles that can maximize their contributions to organizational performance. Chandra's background includes a Master of Science degree in Education with a focus in Behavioral Science.

Photo of Michael, arms crossed, smiling

Michael Sagert

Michael utilizes research-based methodologies to develop systemic frameworks to deploy learning programs and analyze the effectiveness of delivered learning. He has over 20 years of HR and IT experience, including tenure in learning strategy, information systems, change management, and performance measurement positions.